Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Now, before I even disclose any information about myself, I just want to let everyone know my inspirations towards my admiration for food.

Number 1: Jonathan Benno

As Co-owner and chef at New York's Per Se, Jonathan Benno exemplifies the simplicity behind food to the full extent. However, it's not where he is now that inspires me, but where he came from. Growing up in Oxford, Conn., Benno was a punk teenager who solely took a job washing dishes in a restaurant so he could drink beer with older men. It wasn't until he realized how hard running a restaurant was that he decided it was something he wanted to do. I see myself in Jonathan Benno; a punk teenager who wants to drink beer. I see myself in how simple he makes everything. I see myself in his perfectly cooked lobster and his approach behind his nine courses that make you and your taste buds go Wow.

Number 2: My Bubby and My Nana

Growing up in a jewish household I have witnessed the ins and outs of home-cooking. From salty chicken soup with soft luscious carrots and matzoh balls to pickled brisket with its intense flavours, My grandmothers did it all. Through watching them work their magic in the kitchen, I learnt that it doesn't always have to be fancy or eccentric. All it needs is a little bit of love and a lot of garlic. I learnt that Food is what ultimately brings people together.

Number 3: Deborah Jaskolka

I have never met anyone that shares the same passion for food as I do. After our first date when she didn't shy away from anything I ordered, I knew she was special. She is always there filling my mind up with ideas and inspiring me to experiment with new ingredients. The most amazing thing about her though is when she eats something she really likes. She opens her eyes up wide, mouth full, looks at me and says "fuckin' amazing". That's when I know I've done something well. Deborah is not only my girlfriend but she is also my food muse.

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